troglodyte says:jenny!
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:hey how's it gng ah?
troglodyte says:hmm.. sometimes good sometimes not so good
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:that's normal do ur best! remember U're the best!
troglodyte says:ha.. positive talk right
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:of course, coming frem a jaded person like me, it's precious ok! haha
troglodyte says:it's hard not to be jaded as we grow older ah
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:that's true..
troglodyte says:but i think sometimes we just try to appreciate what we have on hand?
jenny you must keep your spirits up ya
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:i felt i've lost something really precious
so much regrets
troglodyte says:was it inevitable?
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:it seemed so.
we didn't handle it with finesse.
i miss the gd times
troglodyte says:
i think breakups are usually quite ugly?
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:well we're still frens on talking terms
troglodyte says:they will always remain as sweet memories.. at least you have that..
then it's not so bad as you think it is?
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:i only have the memories to live by
i'm discontented with only that.. wanna turn back the clock, but well even god cannot do that
troglodyte says:treat it as a learning experience?
i think it's things like this that make us stronger, more experienced.. and hopefully not too jaded
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:we must never be too jaded lest we fade away into oblivion
troglodyte says:
the worse part is that nobody really cares if you do fade away
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:you're spot on. that's why - fight or flight
troglodyte says:
i think it's pathetic really.. as cliche as it sounds.. it's really just knowing how to survive and churn out being the tough one
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:but u wouldn't want to be weak, yes?
there's so little u can do if u are weak
troglodyte says:how much can you stay strong?
all the time?
do we have to trade weakness for strength and cynicism?
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:how come strength and cynicism comes together meh?
troglodyte says:
i think we are weak in some ways or another.. and having to become strong.. the process makes you slightly cynical? Cos you know perhaps you block yourself from feeling too much
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:oh i know wat u mean
troglodyte says:i'm making sense? ha
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says: u say exactly what i couldn't express
pple always say 'be strong be strong' i've heard so much
it may really be a matter of blocking ur real feelings and brushing everything aside, in turn becoming a cynic
not in touch with yourself!
troglodyte says:*nod nod* That's what i personally think too
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:
haha, no wonder u could decode my blog poems so well
troglodyte says:
but how can anyone also be able to survive if you open your heart out so readily for ppl and to only get ripped apart all over again
was my interpretation really close to what you were saying?
troglodyte says:i love reading your blog
i wish i can write and express as well as you
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:
everything i write is from my heart. if the blog was made of paper u could see driedup tears too
i'm one of those who"open your heart out so readily for ppl and to only get ripped apart all over again"
troglodyte says:
i know.. you give me that impression as well
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:i just cannot change
troglodyte says:and i say.. why should you change?
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:even though society forces me to
troglodyte says:
i hate conformity
screw it man.. seriously
life doesn't always work out the way we want to, does it?
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:i totally understand
pple only look at the surface of things
troglodyte says:and i know we can't really blame them.. cos that's how humans function.. we stereotype and categorize ppl through first impressoins
i think for whatever things you stand up for.. for who you are.. you should never change it.. cos that's why makes you so special =)
jen :: what a jaded piece :: says:well said my dear