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Thursday, March 24, 2005

how to be politically correct

“Nice guys finish last, and you’re running out of gas”. Haha! No, i'm not talking about you. No.

I dun think that sentence will ever come out of my mouth man! Either I am too chickened to actually mutter it in front of anyone's face, or I have mastered the art of being politically correct. How about you? Do you know how to be politically correct in everything that you say? And I mean everything (though i would gladly leave the subtle underlines OUT of the 'everything', so that I can have leeway to be at least a little mildly sarcastic, and my nastiness can be sugared over with my niceness).

Being politically correct is being pleasant to people you dislike.
Being politically correct is to believe in empathy, and to put yourself in the shoes of those who are going to bear the brunt of your emerging temper.
Being politically correct is to NOT just shoot your mouth off even though something is burning you deep inside to voice every-blardy-thing out.
Being politically correct is to just manage a brushing-off "Good" when you are asked "How are you?" for the millionth time, for the sake of casual courtesy and not genuine concern.
Being politically correct is to utter "Nice to meet you" when the other party's saliva is landing all on your face when talking to you.
Being politically correct is to just smile quietly in disagreement (what an oxymoron) when you are being criticised that all Christians are just fools attending money grubbing churches, indulging in their little fantasies of some higher being. (That's blasphemy to me, that hurts ok!!!)

Just a few minutes ago, a friend MSNed me. Let's call him Su.

Su: can someone help me... i am BORED!!!!
Me ("what a way to start a conversation"): oh hallo
Su: still yet to sleep ???
Me ("i hate pple using triple question marks"): well it's only 3:26 AM on a saturday. the night is still young.
Su: what are you doing ???
Me ("i really hate the sight of triple question marks, dun these pple know their netiquette?"): erm, toking to u?
Su: you have any weekend work, without CPF ?
Me (amazed at the abrupt change of topic): w/o CPF? i guess u have to find those PT work tt's paid by hour n by cash
Su: ya
Su: boring weekend
Me ("i'm bored chatting with you as it is"): not so bad la
Su: didnt go out ???
Me: i'm having a cough, so resting at home
Su: write testimonial for me le
Me: ("you didn't even wish me well? wat kind of guy are u? is the stupid testi all u care abt?"): ok
Su: I am searching for the missing part to become a complete person!!!
Me: ...
Su: i shall ask you out for coffee next time to rebuild our friendship
Me: (managed a feeble) haha
Me: (decided to be politically correct) ya kinda lost touch hor
Su: i know you are busy also. every week go suntanning isit
Me ("how come the triple question marks are gone now?") : haha! i'll become charcoal if i do tat... grow older more busier...
Su: attached ???
Me ("oh no here it comes back again!") : nope. i have other things to worry abt
Su: haha no one ask u out tonite?
Me: I am sick, told u just now.
Su: how is life ???
Me ("once again amazed at the abrupt change of topic"): good
Me: hey i gtg, bye.

How many times have you actually felt like shouting at someone: “You’re just so irritating, so bugger off!!!”. Well that’s pretty mild actually. And my responses are pretty mild if you see above.

I bet most people have sinister thoughts once in a while. Even if I dun say it, i will most probably think it. Like "That baby’s crying is pissing me off, should i go put him inside a soundproof box and not let him out?" Also, how many times have you thought to yourself: “Eeeew, her baby is really ugly...” but still act all polite and proceed to do the usual pinching-cheeks stuff and “Oh, so cutttteee” thingy.

So does being politically correct make me a hypocrite?


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|jenny c| |singaporean|cantonese| |virgo|hetereosexual| |24august|telok blangah| |deer-lookalike|i'm a dear| |music & journalism| |desires to be serenaded| |abuses literary devices| |unwilling perfectionist| |clings on to idealism|
|goes for all or nothing|
|vehemently loyal in love|
|gives glory to God| horrorfreeze[at]

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