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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

the MCQ syndrome

Is this true? Will one know the answer if given 4 choices, however if asked an open-ended question with no options, one will be dumbfounded.

The most popular 3 words to a seemingly difficult question are: “I don’t know.” Stop saying it and make a choice! We don’t know what to eat, don’t know where to go, don’t know what to buy, don’t know what we want, don’t know what to do, don’t know how long to do it… So we end up saying “Anything” to avoid being the one making the decision.

Actually, life is very easy, all the “should-bes”, “should-dos” are already set by society AND history, all you have to do is to conform, melt, blend into the various fixed routes that has been sculpted out. Just follow the multiple choice syndrome! You can’t go wrong!

The decision-making process of most individuals are simplistic to say the least. Lay before them a few choices…what do they choose? Based on the most “obvious” choice that will bring the most benefits to them…so life centres around them and revolves around nobody.

What is the point i am trying to make here? Honestly, i don't know...


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|jenny c| |singaporean|cantonese| |virgo|hetereosexual| |24august|telok blangah| |deer-lookalike|i'm a dear| |music & journalism| |desires to be serenaded| |abuses literary devices| |unwilling perfectionist| |clings on to idealism|
|goes for all or nothing|
|vehemently loyal in love|
|gives glory to God| horrorfreeze[at]

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