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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

phlegm, phlegm, phlegm

I keep having to blow out my snot, which is light greenish mucus. They come out in blobs. Also, I've been hocking up white phlegm. What a social embarrassment. I had to stop phonecalls and pause conversations in mid-air to cough and clear my friggin throat.

Mild coughing fits that last 5 minutes at one go evolve into sudden periodic attacks of coughing with gagging.

I've been taking drowse-inducing Promedyl-B Lintus, expectorants like Robitussin and Breacol, herbal mixtures like Pi Pa Gao and Sea Coconut Cough Syrup (which the picture of the coconut on the bottle looks like a p*ssy, says the bf), and nothing seems to work. I've been popping my multivitamins too.

When can I be cured? Maybe i've gotta start drinking 16 glasses of water to "loosen my secretions", as I've read in a medical website.

Apparently, my condition, not technically influenza yet, was caused by a virus-turned-bacterial-infection, because since my cough started before New Year, my phlegm colour had turned from white to green.

How i suddenly hate that colour.

I look a sorry sight.

And they had to call it a “productive cough" (one that brings up phlegm or sputum or mucus) when this blardy cough is affecting my productivity at work. Appraisal's coming, sheesh.

I must resist the urge to go around kissing folks on Valentine's Day, especially the boyfriend who is equally ill and got more ill when lips touched.

Instant infection. Yuch. Sorry, baby! :(

Right now, I feel dried phlegm plugging up my chest, tickling and irritating my bronchial tubes. I so badly want to put 2 fingers down behind the tongue and scratch the insides of my neck. And I wanna steam up my lungs in a sauna!

I hope I dun get that troublesome disease with the troublesome name brong-kai-tis.


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|jenny c| |singaporean|cantonese| |virgo|hetereosexual| |24august|telok blangah| |deer-lookalike|i'm a dear| |music & journalism| |desires to be serenaded| |abuses literary devices| |unwilling perfectionist| |clings on to idealism|
|goes for all or nothing|
|vehemently loyal in love|
|gives glory to God| horrorfreeze[at]

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