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Saturday, April 01, 2006

be a smartie

On this first day of the month of April,
quit making dumb choices like
you did for the past 3 months
and do something very smart:
download this motosensor for your mobile.
it's a proximity sensor for handphones
to beep the hell out of you
if you are walking into obstacles
within 3 metres in your way.
No more smashing your forehead into lamp posts while
you're engrossed in typing that love sms for me.



Blogger alex said...

bahahahahah! they sure can laugh at themselves..

9:04:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read »

3:02:00 PM


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for the record

|jenny c| |singaporean|cantonese| |virgo|hetereosexual| |24august|telok blangah| |deer-lookalike|i'm a dear| |music & journalism| |desires to be serenaded| |abuses literary devices| |unwilling perfectionist| |clings on to idealism|
|goes for all or nothing|
|vehemently loyal in love|
|gives glory to God| horrorfreeze[at]

guilty by association


where the hell is J


seen through a rectangle

earworm of the month

Dreams of a Butterfly by S 0 N I C B R A T

?wassup, dudette