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the good old days


Monday, October 02, 2006

tender boobs and creamy thighs


are you thinking what i think you think you want me to write? some hot steamy erotica, some soft porn literature? haha no, you perv - sorry to disappoint.

it's about something unglamourous and unsexy. the sight of mammaries bouncing and thigh fat shaking when a woman runs for the bus. can you see what i see? that scene just happened before my eyes as i was on my way home. oh, may i correct myself, it's not a run when the woman runs, it's a half-run. you know, small rapid steps not a foot apart each, heels clacking on the ground, arms flailing like a distressed chicken, eyes willing the bus captain not to drive off. and don't you forget - bouncing mammaries and shaking thighs. ha.

my eyes, oh my eyes.

and gasp, one day, when my current assets of boobs so tender and thighs so creamy hit their expiry dates, lord forbid that i become a bus-chasing auntie still running in the rat race of life...


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for the record

|jenny c| |singaporean|cantonese| |virgo|hetereosexual| |24august|telok blangah| |deer-lookalike|i'm a dear| |music & journalism| |desires to be serenaded| |abuses literary devices| |unwilling perfectionist| |clings on to idealism|
|goes for all or nothing|
|vehemently loyal in love|
|gives glory to God| horrorfreeze[at]

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?wassup, dudette