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the good old days


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

i miss you

To see you when I wake up
is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
is a three-fold, utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said,
I miss you.
I see your picture, I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days, but already I'm wasting away.
I know I'll see you again
whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care
and I miss you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i reckon that song goes on island musik part ii. :) that's my song! i'd sing it to you (cos its about you) if it werent for Incubus' complex chords...

to know that you love that pic is also a three-fold utopian dream. can't believe its more than a 10-day i kissed you then right when the camera flashed...

9:53:00 PM

Blogger horrorfreeze said...

you had perfect timing :)

11:31:00 PM


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for the record

|jenny c| |singaporean|cantonese| |virgo|hetereosexual| |24august|telok blangah| |deer-lookalike|i'm a dear| |music & journalism| |desires to be serenaded| |abuses literary devices| |unwilling perfectionist| |clings on to idealism|
|goes for all or nothing|
|vehemently loyal in love|
|gives glory to God| horrorfreeze[at]

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?wassup, dudette